Monday, March 16, 2009

Smarty Pants!

I am very proud of Jace. I got his report card today and it's all straight A's. I also got his IBST results and he is working at a 9th and 10th grade level. What am I going to do with this kid? I don't know who he gets his smarts from. I just hope he stays on the path he is on and continues to do well.


Tara said...

Way to go Jace. Keep it up.

Carrin said...

Way to go! Maybe the generations get smarter as they go along.

Sheri and George said...

Congratulations Jace! Very Proud of you!

allie.skelton said...

He must get it from his smart wisconsin cousin! ( me )

Anonymous said...

Congrats to Jace! I think he gets it from his Grandma Diane!!

Aunt Natalie