Saturday, January 3, 2009


I have no clue what got into me today, but I decided it was time to clean out my closet and vacuum under my bed (moving this bed is no small task)! I guess cuz I just did it with my boy's. I ended up with two bags to send to Goodwill and a bag to trash! I also decided since I was at it I would move out my dresser and vacuum behind it!!! I found dust bunnies bigger than Lincoln!!! Ewww! Now, I am not the kind of person that has a messy house, I just tend to forget about certain areas! I think I am going to try and remember to clean these areas more! I do feel like I have accomplished quite a bit today!!

1 comment:

Carrin said...

I tend to forget those places too. It's not until you actually look that you gross your own self out that you know it's really time to "clean"