Friday, October 10, 2008

Over and over again

Do you ever get tired of having the same conversation with someone over and over again? To the point where you want to yell "Seriously, we are not having this conversation AGAIN". It's the kind of conversation where you find yourself paying more attention to the TV and saying "yeah" and "I don't know". Then they catch you because those answers don't match with what they are saying or you don't even answer them at all because you were to busy daydreaming or watching something on TV. Shit! That's when you have to come up with a good lie explanation as to why you weren't paying attention. You know, something like "Sorry, I think someone is trying to break into my house". I know what you're thinking "Is she talking about me?" Nah!

1 comment:

Tara said...

That's how I feel about the lady that I work. I think every day. Hello we just talked about this everyday?